Paul DeThroe

Dec 20, 20203 min

Christmas Star, Yule Star or Death Star?

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

December 21 is a Pagan, or witches holiday, Called Yule, among other names, it marks the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. The end and the beginning.

When Christianity took Europe, Church leaders feared this Pagan holiday so much that they chose four days later to be its equivalent, to give its new members a reason to feast and celebrate the changing of seasons. That's how conversion worked. Accept Christianity or die. You can keep your holidays, but they have to be renamed.

Though not thought of as Pagan, at least not in the European sense, the Mayan religion certainly shares many aspects of religion with European Paganism, from Polytheism to having holidays around the changing of Seasons.

The fabled Mayan Calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012. Some say this is evidence that the future cannot be predicted. Others say it wasn’t the end at all, but the beginning of the end.

It’s debatable whether the current Gregorian Calendar lost a few years in transition from the previous Julian Calendar. It is also debatable that the Mayan Calendar, itself, was mistranslated. Its also possible that Jesus of Nazareth wasn't born the exact year the Church thinks he was. What if the Mayan Calendar was right, and some translation was wrong?

This year, exactly eight years after the predicted Mayan Doomsday, we get the Christmas Star on Yule. Technically it is not a Christmas Star, since it falls on the Pagan holiday and not the Christian one, though it does happen in Holy Week. Nevertheless, it is an event so rare, no one alive on Earth, nor anyone ever known by anyone currently living on Earth, has witnessed such a sight. It will be the closest Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn since July 16, 1623 and the first to be easily observable since March 4, 1226.

Paganism was still very much a live religion in 1226, as Norway and Denmark had yet to be converted to Christianity. The Mayans were going through their Postclassic Period. The event that occurred in the skies of 13th Century coincide with the rise of the last great Mayan city, Mayapan, in the state of Yukatan, as previous great Mayan cities had been abandoned.

By the time of the Great Conjuction of 1623 the Mayans had been conquered by the Spaniards. Vikings were no longer viable in Europe and neither was Paganism as a major religion. However the King James Version of the Bible was first published in this generation, marking the beginning of a dominant world religion, perhaps unrivaled in history. Again, that is debatable.

The last time this event happened in the way that its going to happen December 21, 2020, marked the end of Paganism and the rise of Christianity, which took over all of Europe and the Americas. Will this Great Conjunction, which falls on a Pagan holiday no less, and within the ballpark of the end of the Mayan Calendar, which represented an end and a beginning, mark the end of Christian rule and the beginning of an age of Science?

After Christians put Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in power, arguably the Antichrist and the Beast from the Sea in the Book of Revelations, I would say the falling away is upon the horizon. Science likely will save the world from Covid-19, and it is the only thing that can save the world from Climate Disaster.

If not, then expect a dystopian, fascist world similar to George Orwell’s classic book.
